Who Are You?

Who Are You is a poem about love by Ruth Desjardins

Who are you– 

There near my shoulder? 

I’ve often sensed you there; 

We’ve talked of many secret dreams 

When I was young and scared. 


Who are you? 

You’ve always loved me– 

The only one who knows 

All the things I think and feel, 

The dreams I can’t disclose. 


Who are you? 

You’ve always been here 

For me when I was scared; 

And searching for some gentleness, 

Some courage not yet there. 


Who are you? 

I must know you– 

We’ve distinguished right from wrong. 

And through my very darkest nights 

You’ve always been along. 


Who are you? 

My lifelong hero, 

Here in my mind with me? 

You’ve never even had a name…

Can it be that there’s only me? 


I know you are my dream of love, 

My only lifelong friend; 

You’ve been since thoughts of love began; 

You’ll be until they end.


I know you are some other half– 

Some hidden part of me: 

The other sex inside my soul 

And there for loving me. 

Ruth Desjardins 


About Author

Ruth Desjardins is a celebrated Canadian writer, born in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada.

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