
Text of Ruth Desjardins' poem 'Life,' encapsulating the highs and lows of human experience.

Life is reaching out to me; 

With a smile it beckons me; 

With a teasing laugh it lures me on, 

And I follow glad and free! 


Life has played its tricks on me 

And fooled me with its ploys; 

It gave me grief and emptiness 

When I expected joys. 


Life has often wounded me 

And scarred me with its woe; 

Its storms have left me in the rain; 

I’ve felt its cold winds blow. 


Life has played its music sweet 

With tunes that reach and ring, 

Filling up the emptiness 

And moving me to sing. 


Life has painted dreams for me; 

I’ve seen the colours shine– 

The glow of many magic hopes– 

And I have made them mine.


Life has played a teacher role– 

Spoke lessons to my mind; 

Taught me how to find the joy 

That I was meant to find. 


Life has been a friend to me; 

I’ve heard its merry call; 

Above the thunder’s angry voice, 

I’ve loved Life through it all. 


And Life still reaches out to me, 

Still lures me as before, 

Still paints its many rainbows, 

Still makes my spirit soar. 


Started in 1978 

Completed in 1991 

About Author

Ruth Desjardins is a celebrated Canadian writer, born in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada.

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