Love’s Returning

Love's returning is a love poem by Canadian author and poet, Ruth Desjardins

I know the pain you’ve suffered

Because I suffered too;

I know I’ve misunderstood you;

You misunderstood me too;

But explanations won’t matter

The moment I’m close to you.


Together we’ve gone through fire.

And we’ve had enough of pain;

It’s time to end the anguish,

To feel our love again,

To glory in love’s returning,

And just be happy again.


Happy to be together,

To reach again for dreams,

To look toward the future

With hope and magic schemes

Held together with loving

And all that loving means.


We’ll learn to trust each other

And forget all the loneliness;

Soon we will share the beauty

And fill all the emptiness;

Together we stand on the brink of joy.

With a love that catches my breath.


Love that keeps growing stronger

Each time you reveal to me

The feelings you hide inside you,

And soon you will reach for me;


Soon we will share the freedom

That opens the doors of love;

Soon we will fly together –

Oh, let it be soon, my love!



About Author

Ruth Desjardins is a celebrated Canadian writer, born in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada.

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